
SCÉNARIOS (EN) - ゴダール遺作



 >transcrivant en double l’apologue logique et drolatique de Jean-Paul Sartre sur les non-doigts.

« Doigts et non-doigts », préface à Aquarelles et Dessins de Wols, édition Delpire, 1963. Sur l'oeuvre de Wols.

シチュアシオン IV

“Qu'est-ce que cela fait? Tout est grâce.”
― Georges Bernanos, The Diary of a Country Priest

2024/05/04 13:06

「Dights et non-digts」、Aquarelles et Dessins de Wolsの序文、Delpire版、1963年。ウォルズの仕事について。

Jean-Paul Sartre's logical and witty apologue



| world premiere (France, May 2024)

A film by | Jean-Luc Godard

2024 | France – Japan | 18 min | DCP | Colors | HD 1.78:1 | Audio 5.1

Synopsis | In French, "scénario" is cinema's name for how it tells stories. This is the title Jean-Luc Godard chose for his final film, which was literally completed the day before his self-death. This did not mean that it would remain unfinished, but that its very unfinishedness would make it complete. Yet Scénario, which then became Scénarios is twofold: DNA, fundamental elements, and MRI, Odyssey. DNA is a biological signature, which gives a human subject its uniqueness; MRI evokes medical imagery and the distress felt by a weakened body, and suggests the subject being dissolved at the whim of magnetic resonance. Between these two polarities, which evoke genesis and decline in a strictly materialistic way, a person's story unfolds, one made up of a jumble of notes and images, condensed into 18'. It is a singular yet shared narrative of a life haunted by death, as this film is also a farewell, the lamentation of a funeral. The two segments of this film open with a series of identical sequences. The second segment then diverges and ends on a self-portrait of JLG – his last images – sitting on his bed, bare-chested, he hides none of the wear on his body in the manner of Pigalle's sculpted portrait of Voltaire. He's filming himself transcribing twice Jean-Paul Sartre's logical and witty apologue on non-fingers: thus ends Scénarios, as it began, with a repetition, the figure of eternal return, the moment where time, which has been the great – if not unique – question of cinema, will have ceased to flow.

Produced by | Écran noir productions (France) — Arte France (France) — Nekojarashi/Roadstead (Japan)


A film by | Jean-Luc Godard

2024 | France – Japan | 34 min | DCP | Colors | HD 1.78:1 | Audio 5.1

Synopsis | In October 2021, Jean-Luc Godard presented his idea for Scénarios, a 34′ film combining still and moving images, halfway between reading and seeing.

Produced by | Écran noir productions (France) — Arte France (France) — Nekojarashi/Roadstead (Japan)

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