
NAMs出版プロジェクト: 溝口健二1898-1956 「映画の東洋的美感」(「『雨月物語』について」1954よ り)Mizoguchi, Kenji

NAMs出版プロジェクト: 溝口健二1898-1956 「映画の東洋的美感」(「『雨月物語』について」1954よ り)Mizoguchi, Kenji

 On "Tales of the Rain and Moon[Ugetsu Monogatari]" (1954)  

                  Kenji Mizoguchi 

 It has been a long time since I was interested in "The Tales of Ugetsu" and thought of making a film about it. I read through the whole story and thought of "The Tale of Ugetsu" as a movie. I have read through the entire story and was particularly impressed by the "serpentine licentiousness" and "Asakayake Yado". If you have read "Ugetsu," you may be interested in this film.
I think anyone who has read "Ugetsu" would agree with me.
 The "serpentine licentiousness" is a straightforward and intense depiction of the delusion of love. The "Asakayake Yado" shows us the delusion of love. ”Asakayake Yado" shows us the transience of human life, or to put it another way, the impermanence of life. On the other side is the idea of the impermanence of life. On the other side, "Asakayake Yado" shows how the greed of mankind makes him disregard the life and death of his wife.
 Both stories are independent short stories, each with its own theme. I thought that if I were to make a film of "Tales of Ugetsu," I would try to combine the two stories into one. I thought that if I were to make a film of "The Tale of Ugetsu," I would try to combine them into one. I thought that if I were to make a film of "Ugetsu Monogatari", I would want to combine the two stories into one. Idid not want to combine the two stories into a single satisfying story.
 Ihara Saikaku famously said, "The two paths of sexual desire. The human instinct is to remove all coverings and to be completely naked.
If we remove all coverings of human instincts and strip them naked, we are left with only two things: color, or love, and greed, or material greed. It seems that there are only two things left: color, or lust, and greed, or lust for material things.
 As it happens, "Snake Lust" and "Asaimoke Yado" are about lust and greed, respectively, and they create a bizarre and fantastic picture of life. The "Asamoike Yado" is about greed, and the "Asamoike Yado" is about lust. By combining these two stories into one, the true nature of human beings is made clear. I am not so ambitious as to call it a "story", but it is a story that I am trying to tell. I know it is a bit of an exaggeration, but this is what I was trying to do.
 The "Ugetsu Monogatari" is usually referred to as a ghost story, but among the many books that collect ghost stories from the Tokugawa period, this one is the most famous. Among the many books of ghost stories from the Tokugawa period, this work by Akinari Ueda stands out as an outstanding classic and has survived to the present day. It is not only because of its conciseness, elegance, and subtle nuance, but also because it is a masterpiece of writing. It is not only because of the conciseness, elegance, and subtle nuances of the text.
 If we read carefully, we can see that the "strangeness" and "illusion" that Akinari depicts are the "wanderings of the mind" that human beings are caught up in. The "strangeness" and "illusion" that Akinari describes may represent a very concrete and clear form of the "wanderings of the mind" caught up in "greed".
 Since it is "strange" and "fantastic," it cannot be measured by the rational scale of this world. It is impossible to measure it by the rational scale of this world. However, in this unrealistic form, human instincts and desires are expressed in their natural form, In these unreal forms, however, human instincts and desires are clearly revealed in their true form.
 It is because of this that "The Tale of Ugetsu" has become a classic. The Tale of Ugetsu" has become a classic because it clearly depicts this.

 I have many doubts about the recent trend toward realism in film. I am always driven by the desire to depict human beauty and ugliness as simply and powerfully as possible.
 "Oyusama" and '"The Life of Oharu" were both born from the same desire. I was able to finally get a clear idea that "Ugetsu" could be made into a movie after making "Oyusama" and "The Life of Oharu". I am now ready to make "Ugetsu" into a movie.
 These are my motives or motifs for wanting to make "Ugetsu". Fortunately, Matsutaro Kawaguchi and Yoshiken Yoda have collaborated with me to write a script that is good enough to satisfy my intentions. The only question is whether the production will be successful or not.
The question is whether the direction of the film will be successful or not, and I would like you to see the film itself. I would like to mention what I thought about the direction of the film as one of the materials for your criticism.
 The intention and method of direction are also included in the motive of making "Ugetsu" into a film. The background of the story is that Akinari also fought in the war.
 The background of the story is that Akinari is also set in a time of warfare, but in order to enhance the effect of the warfare, the period was moved down to the Warring States period. The warfare was the perfect opportunity to expose their instincts. At the same time, the short story of Maupassant. I believed that the realism of the episode would serve as a counterpoint to the romanticism and symbolism of the film as a whole.
 Therefore, throughout the entire film, real or unreal, I have omitted all trivial realistic depictions. I have made it my goal to create a frank, yet powerful, expression of joy, anger, sorrow, and anger in a romantic aesthetic.
 Reality and unreality intersect on the edge, though the order is consistently maintained, In scenes that demanded more intensity, I used exaggerated deformation and surrealism. The story, however, is a Japanese one.
 However, since the story is a Japanese one and the mystery of the Orient, deformation or even expansion is not an option. and expansion, however, is based on the unparalleled beauty of Japan's cultural heritage. The story is a Japanese tale, a mystery of the Orient.
 This is why we have taken our cue from Noh and borrowed the styles of Shugakuin and Katsura Imperial Villas.
 These outstanding examples of Japan's cultural heritage display an astonishing sophistication and simplicity. This,
It is my desire to revive this as a contemporary aesthetic through cinematic expression. I wonder how far I have achieved my ambition as a director of "oriental aesthetics in film," so to speak, in this film. I would like to see how far I have achieved this ambition. This is another point on which I would like to ask for your judgment

 I would like to thank Kazuo Miyagawa for the cinematography, Kisaku Ito for the art direction, and Fumio Hayasaka for the music.
I would like to conclude my remarks by thanking them for their excellent cooperation and understanding of my intentions.

(From a speech I gave in Hollywood in June 1954, when I went to the U.S. to study color films.)

("About 'Tales of the Rain and Moon[Ugetsu Monogatari]'", p. 128 of "Kenji Mizoguchi, Film Director: Centennial Commemoration of the Birth of Kenji Mizoguchi, Supplementary Volume of Taiyo")


溝口健二1898-1956 「映画の東洋的美感」(「『雨月物語』について」1954よ り)Mizoguchi, Kenji

溝口健二1898-1956「『雨月物語』について」1954.Mizoguchi, Kenji.他




 『雨月物語』について (1954)  



(「『雨月物語』について」『映画監督溝口健二--生誕百年記念 別冊太陽』128頁)

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